Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017 - Last One in St George for Awhile

Kambree, scriptures and baptism dress.
Emily and scripture tote.  Non-stop talker; hence - me sitting by her.

Oivia - not in my class, but sitting with cat purse.

Captivated by Sister Matthews telling the story of Joseph Smith finding the Gold Plates.

EASTER! April 16, 2017

My brother and his wife, Shauna, came over for a brief visit.  It was great to see them.  I wish I could be more like Shauna - she never spends any money.  Oh, to be like that.

I went to visit Barbara Fisher in her apartment.  She was so appreciative of the visit and the rose I
brought her from our garden.  She is so positive; she loves where she lives, she loves her family, she likes the food there,
she is happy to be there.  Oh, to be like that!

Some of the roses are simply breathtaking!
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the beautiful world you created!

Being sung to in Primary.  Ha Ha, this is funny!  Cupcake moi!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Miles took this picture.  It's dark, but it's the kids!

Sitting in the cultural hall before church starts.  All the stuff needed for a lesson on the word of wisdom.
Yup, I left the cigarettes Hone.  Ha ha